Discover Ink

An ink-making workshop with found materials for British Science Week 2015

Conceived as part of British Science Week, Discover Ink sought to gain an understanding of the very fundamentals of ink-making. Funded as a British Science Association project in 2015 and hosted in my studio, I led a public mono-printing and ink making workshop. Leading up to the workshop I had researched ink-making recipes, with a focus on locally forgable materials. The workshop included an explanation of the ink-making process and an opportunity to experiment with found materials and well as  hands-on mono-printing session. The project has been ongoing as I work towards a usable letterpress ink made from locally sourced natural materials. It also led to a greater relationship with the BSA, being instrumental in their delivery of the British Science Festival the following year. As well as producing marketing materials for them I also had a chance, as part of the Print Project, to deliver a letterpress workshop with a world first - 3D-printed typeface.